Drive Student Sign-Ups and Sell Class Materials on Wazlly

Enhance Student Engagement and Expand Your Reach by Harnessing the Power of WhatsApp

Sell Class Materials

Simplify access to class materials with a convenient WhatsApp store for your students.

Instant Problem Resolution

Provide quick answers with automated replies and escalate to support teams when human action is needed.

Timely Class Reminders

Harness the power of Whatsapp to send autmated class and assigments reminders and keep your students engaged.

Onboarding Support

Provide instant information to assist students in completing your onboarding process easily.

Student Reports

Instantly deliver reports and exam results to students and parents with automated WhatsApp messages.

Communicate better to support
high quality education with WhatsApp

Smarter lead management

Centralize lead data in CRM, broadcast, manage responses and start relationships.

Close more sales

Market more effectively and be more responsive to sales inquiries that influence sign up.

Better learning outcomes

Support high standards of education with well managed and effective communication.

Learn More. WhatsApp is one of the most popular social channels worldwide. Turn it into a revenue source with one of the fastest-growing WhatsApp Business service providers.

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